University of North Texas
Graduate Students in English Association (GSEA)
Abstract Submissions
The University of North Texas Graduate Students in English Association (GSEA) invites submissions for its annual graduate conference, to be held on April 21st-23rd, 2017. This conference, which will host both graduate and undergraduate presenters, is open to all departments in the school of Arts & Sciences, including: English, History, Philosophy, and Religion, as well as Psychology and Sociology. The 2017 conference theme is “Memory, Culture, and Identity”, and seeks to explore the links between community and the people they create, as well as cultural and individual memory and identity as it evolves over time. We will accept a wide range of presentations within this broader topic. Papers/presentations should last no more than 20 minutes.
We encourage authors to submit abstracts for individual papers as well as proposals for panels of three related presentations. Abstracts should be 200-400 words (for a piece of scholarly criticism) or an excerpt (for a creative piece). Abstracts for poster presentations are also welcome. Please include with your abstract a biographical note of up to 50 words per author. Please submit all these items using the form below.
The deadline for submissions is March 20th. The conference committee will notify applicants by March 7th. Authors accepted to the conference can register online and receive additional information about payment and travel information by visiting our registration page.
No registration fee will be required for UNT GSEA members who are in good standing. All other participants must pay a $35 registration fee. A $45 fee will be charged for late registration, which begins March 24th. Late registration fees can be paid online or at the conference.
For questions about the conference, please contact Jay Gentry (